Custom Liquid Soap
From foam soap to castile to body wash, Botanie's array of liquid soap bases gives Custom Manufacturing clients a wide selection of high-quality liquid soap options. With fill sizes from 2 oz bottles to 250 gallon totes, we offer the flexibility you need to get the perfect product for your brand.
Formulation options
- Custom formulation for specific viscosities
- Custom scent and essential oil blending
- Custom textures
- Custom specialty ingredients
- It's all about your custom needs. Bring us your project ideas.
Packaging options
- Custom bottles. We don't limit the style or size of your bottles. Pick what's best for your brand.
- Bulk options. 1 gallon jugs, 5 gallon buckets, drums, totes...
- Shrink wrap and shrink bands
- Custom label printing (waterproof labels)
- We also love your complex, completely unique packaging ideas. Let's talk!
What Can We Build For Your Brand?
Book A Conversation With Our Soap Experts To Get Started
Custom liquid soap options & minimums
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